Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Preparing the way in Malawi

Hey yall!
Well after about a weeks rest and prep. on the base, Zach is back out preparing the way for the Lord. He's in a country called Malawi which is being hugged by Zambia and Mozambique. A couple that has been serving as staff on the base invited him to do a recon mission with the Overland team. Basically, a recon mission is a very unpredictable pioneering mission where they will be breaking new ground and paving a way for future teams of missionaries.

So some details on Malawi:
He left the 29th of July and won't be returning to base until the 27th of Aug. (which is 4 days before he returns home to America!)
They had an all night drive to Lusaka (capital of Zambia) where they stayed a night, then they were driving all the next day to Malawi.
Their contact is a Pastor named Isaac. They will basically be serving him and just following under his leadership to get what they need done.
The team members are: Zach, Aaron, Jenn, Jessica, Jess and Joy.
Also the last leg of the trip they are going be in a Muslim area.
Zach will be out of contact for this entire month.

Zach is asking for prayer for:
anxiety, perseverance, protection, quickened spirits (for action in unpredictable situations), to know the joy of the Lord in its fullness, for the Lord to bring freedom, desperation, brokeness, constant communion with the Father, deeper revelation of His love, continue maturing in spiritual giftings, boldness, confidence, strength, focus, leadership in team intercession, vision and clarity, and finishing strong/ giving 100% to the end.
He feels that this next month is going to be very challenging and is going to require everything he has, so just pray into that.


" ...I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." -Isaiah 43:19

This will probably be the last post for a while until Zach comes back and is able to share all the awesome things the Lord did, unless I hear or feel led to update yall with anything to pray for.

as always, FOR THE KINGDOM!

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