Let me just first start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me, whether in prayer or finacially of both. Like i have said before, this trip would not have ben possible at all without your constant support and encouragement. This trip was amaizng, but it was definately the hardest 2 months of my life. There were so many challenges, and this past month in Malawi was tough. While i was in Australia lat year, my small group leader David Lehman always talked about wanting to be on satans Most Wanted list. He always talked about getting to the point of laboring for Gods kingdom so hard, that satan is actually concerned witht he work you are doing, so he cant ignore you and has to go after you. After talking with my team one night, we all decided that we lived on this list for this past month! But along with being on satans most wanted list, you get to the point where you are also on Gods most protected list. Nothing can stand against the Furious LOVE that our Father has for us! So we took comfort in knowing that no matter WHAT satan would throw at us, we were protected by the hand of our God!
So THANK YOU for your prayers. Thank you for your prayers of protection, of guidance, of rest, and every other thing you prayed for. I definately felt EVERY opne of them, especially for all your prayers when i was preaching. As you read in my previous entry, i felt the Lord calling me to just reveal His love to the people of Malawi everytime i got the chance to preach. You see, they know they power of Christ, but they really havent grasped His DEEP love for them. And this totally broke my heart. So every chance i got, i would preach on His love. On showing them how God loves us as His sons, and also sharing with them that we are THE BRIDE of Christ. It was such an amazing opportunity, and getting to share that with them was such a BLESSING!! In Revelation 22:17, the Bible tells us "The Spirit and the bride say "Come!"", and i was just meditating on this verse one day as i was in the truck driving to a village, and the Lord just started speaking to me about it. He told me that when He returns, The Spirit and the bride (His church) will be at such a point of desperation and Longing for Him that we will be saying COME!! But it doesnt say the Church, it says the Bride. So i believe that in that time, all over the earth, in every nation, the Church will TRUELY know itself as THE BRIDE of Christ. and in many places, there is not a big enough revelation of that! WE ARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST!! He loves us in this WAY!! How incredible is that!! That in the same way a husband feels for his bride, that is the same way Christ feels for us (except in a more extreme and real way)!! I want to share this with EVERYONE!! and that is what i felt the Lord telling me to portray to them, and also i feel His call to share this message, to reveal this to the nations for the rest of my life! So PRAISE be to Him!!
So the Lord was just really working in Incredible ways during this trip, but the biggest thing He did was just a HUGE work in my Heart. These past 2 months were just filled with the Spirit just revealing His love deeper and deeper to me. And PRAISE HIM for this, because that was my number one prayer in going. My prayer before i left was not to see signs and wonders and miracles, but to grow deeper and deeper in Love with Him more and more everyday. To start to grow in the fullness of the Knowledge of His love, and He was sooo FAITHFUL to answer this prayer everyday, especially during this last month. He was just teaching me that as Christians, our primary calling is to just grow in inimacy with Him. Thats all we must concern ourselves with. I think alot of times we start to lose this. We start focusing so much on "What is my calling?" And "What do you want me to do?", when all the Lord is saying is "Just learn to love me more!". The more He reveals to me, the more i see that the whole point of humanity, the only point of us being on this Earth is to walk in intimacy with the Living God who couldnt stand to be without us. The God who wrote the GREATEST Love story of all time. The God who all He longs to do is be with us, and all we want to do is run to every other thing on this earth other than Him. The God who got to the point where he couldnt stand to be without us, so he BECAME one of us so we could dwell and commune with him. What an INCREDIBLE God we serve! A god whose Love doesnt even compare to anything or anyone on this Earth!
So now my prayer is for you! That the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation would fall on each and every one of you, even now as you are reading this e-mail, and that you would just get LOST in this love that knows no end. That you would get sswept away by this love that is unconditional. That you would make time for Him to romance you and LET Him love you. That is my prayer for you. That every morning when you wake up, you would concern yourself with one question: "Lord, how can i grow closer to Your Heart today?" The reality is this; the God we serve is Jealous for you. he wants Your whole Heart, every last bit of it. and He will stop at NOTHING to have it. The only thing that stands in our way is ourselves. so i tell you now, GIVE IN! Let Him love you. It will hurt, it will take everything you have, it will break you, but it will set your heart ABLAZE. Its what we were created for. So that is my prayer for you, and myself.
The Lord has taken me to a place of just being able to focus and grow in this love for the next 3 months. And all i can say is i am ECSTATIC about it. These past 2 months have taken me to a place of utter brokenness. He has taken me to the end of myself, broken every bit of who Zach Wheeler is. I feel like He has scraped out every last bit of me, and just broken every last bit of me. I have nothing left of myself, and am just an empty vessel that is waiting to be filled. and He has taken me into a season where all He wants to do is fill me with Himself. He has broken me of my dreams and desires, of all i am so He could fill me with all that He is. All His dreams and desires for Me. And i cant wait to see what they are!!
So the trip was amazing! and it is so good to be back home among familiar faces and friends. Like i said, it was definately a challenging 2 months. But i guess thats what it takes to break and make a man!! So praise be to Him!!
I dont want to make this 3 years long, so i will leave this post at this, and go into more detail about the trip in a few days. Like i said, THANK YOU so much for your prayers!! Know they mean the world to me! i will also be putting pictures up, so definately be coming back and checking this site to see and hear more. I love all of you!!
William Zachary
For the Kingdom